Well, Landyn & Jason were wanting to shoot some rubber bee-bees in the backyard, I told him "NO." I am NOT a fan of the the whole gun thing at all, but his other mother has bought them for him... I told him that I didn't want Derby to eat them from being in the backyard, so the smart kid that he is (...He gets that from me ;o)> ) decided to use Derby's plastic "Pup-corn" container to shoot the bee-bees into to save himself from having to pick them ALL up (which is what I told him... I was impressed with his problem solving). I told him to to pick up his mess when they were done AND put EVERYTHING away & from this point forward that I don't want those air-guns & rubber bee-bees back at my house... again, NOT my cup of tea !
I was being visited by a wonderful friend who dropped off some paperwork (diet info !! Thnx, Debbie !) for me when Landyn heard something hitting the house & went out to check it out... then he started screaming for me from the backyard... I headed out there & after what I saw it... I kept saying, "Gosh-damn it, Landyn !" because he was suppose to put EVERYTHING away when they were done !! After my friend left, we went to the backyard to figure out what had happened.
Here's what we figured out ...
Derby had found the container which smelled like her treats on the patio table & got her head stuck in it. The thought of just that was sickening to me, because she could have suffocated!! But when Landyn was trying to get the container off of her head there was water in it... & again, this was another sickening visual of her drowning in this bucket. If Landyn hadn't heard anything AND hadn't gone to check it out, this part for me is hard, because I didnt hear a thing !! I was oblivious to what was happening til he called for me... And had Landyn not come from the front yard & was hanging out w/ us... I dont know what would have happen to Derby.
When we were trying to figure things out... we thought that MAYBE the water in the container was from the sprinklers... but as we walked on the different sections of the grass that were dry, we realized that wasn't the case... then I saw two different puddles of water by the pool. My heart sank so deep that I said "FUCK" as I realize what had happened. Derby has NEVER EVER been a swimmer dog !! I worked w/ her every summer on the play pad to show her how to get out of the pool, but I have never had her in the regular part of the pool to get to the play pad !!
Well, apparently she fell into the pool trying to get her head out of the container... got water in the container... SOMEHOW managed NOT to drown... get to the play pad of the pool & get out of the pool AND to the backdoor with a contain filled WITH water & still managed to let us know she needed help !!!
I am so sick by all of this...
While I was in the backyard & figuring things out... Landyn was REALLY quiet. I assumed he was mad at me for saying the F-word... I said, "Landyn, I am sorry I have upset you by cussing in front of you... but REALLY ?!?!?" He said, "No mom, I am quiet because we could have lost Derby," I gave him a tight hug...
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