Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chely Wright's coming out... Compelling words

In her own words, about how she feels, and why she came out... If you want to see the 1:28min clip, click the underlined words...

"I feel like I'm about two weeks old... this is who God made me to be...
...Young people in every corner of America are being told by their churches, and their parents are echoing what the churches are telling them, that they are damaged goods, and they are not."

*Sorry about the 15sec commercial

1 comment:

  1. She is so wonderful...

    Her smile is precious and sincere
    Her heart is kind and giving
    Her soul is gentle and genuine
    Her passion is powerful and driven
    Her strength is admirable and inspiring
    Her gift is compassionate and freeing
    Her journey is new and liberating

    Thank you, Chely Wright, for freeing and saving yourself... and possibly others ♥
    May 28, 2010 2:04 PM
