Tuesday, March 30, 2010

WORDs are powerful...

WORDs are powerful... Especially, when they come from someone with whom you value. They can make you soar thru the skies or make you sink to the depths of the earth.

You can never take back those words that pass thru you in a fleeting moment of emotion and then slip thru your lips. The damage is done. No do-overs... No take-backs... just the lingering of what was spewed out. We may be able to forgive, for that moment and may be able to set it aside, but there will be that ache... that sadness... that initial sting.

I am not perfect by any means... But, I will more often than not hold my tongue or even sustain from sending something I have written that stems from hurt or anger. I don't want my hurt or anger to rule my words doing damage that can't be undone. I have folders filled with pain and that is where they will stay. They are filed in my heart and out of my head giving me some freedom to move forward with the rest of what lies ahead for me. I may have taken a hit but filing it away or not saying it does allow me to take steps forward, at some point, with no more further damage being done on my end.

I have learned and then realized that it is in our nature that even though we hear hundreds of good things about ourselves that help us to feel good for moments in time... that we will forget these praises, and we may not really even believe them when being heard. Yet, to hear just one negative or harsh thing... that is what we will remember, that is what we will hang on to and that is what we will believe above all else. Example, you can tell a person a thousand times how beautiful they are, but it only takes just ONE time of saying something negative about the way they look and that will NEGATE ALL the thousands of times you've told them how beautiful they are. Truly, that is some power we possess...

So, tread lightly... put your filters on... think before speak... ONLY spew words that you will mean after the hurt and/or anger have passed...

And, remember there's no do-over button ..."I'm just say'n"